Location: ISE Laboratory, University of Delaware
Analytical and Spectroscopies
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (2)
Gas chromatography (5)
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (4)
Infrared spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet NEXUS6700) with a Harrick Praying Mantis DRIFTS accessory
Fourier transform infrared–Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) (1)
(pictured: an FTIR transmission cell)
Raman spectrometer (Horiba LabRam) with a Harrick Praying Mantis Raman accessory
Gas-phase fixed-bed reactors
Stainless steel Parr reactors (15)
MW reactor
Gas-phase flow high-throughput reactor (1)
Other instruments
Sartorius moisture analyzer
- Python Multiscale Thermochemistry Toolbox (pMuTT)
- First-Principles Semi-Empirical (FPSE) Group Additivity (GA)
- Multiscale kinetic Monte Carlo simulator and wrapper
- Microkinetic model library
- Surface thermochemistry database
Additional UD facilities
Colburn Facilities
Location: Colburn Laboratory, UD
- Integrated chemical looping reactor with an online chromatograph (Agilent 6890) (1)
- Fixed bed microreactor with an online chromatograph (Agilent 6890 and 7890B) (3)
- Fixed bed microreactor with an online chromatograph and mass spectrometer (Agilent 7890/5977) (1)
- Pulse fixed microreactor with an online mass spectrometer (Pfeiffer and Hiden) (2)
- Infrared spectrometer (Agilent CARY660) with a transmission cell and vacuum manifold
- Infrared spectrometer (Agilent CARY660) with a custom operando surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy accessory (1)
- Infrared spectrometer (Thermo Nicolet NEXUS6700) with a custom surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy accessory (1)
Research Computing
Multiple locations, UD
- MD
- Ab initio MD
- Microkinetic Models
Advanced Materials Characterization
Location: ISE Laboratory, UD
- Bruker D8 XRD with universal stage and solid state detector system
- Rigaku Ultima IV high-resolution thin film XRD for GID and XRR measurements
- Xenocs SAXS /WAXS system with temperature control, tensile, shear cell, flow cell stages
- Rigaku WDXRF Supermini 200
- Cary UV/VIS spectrometer with temperature stage
- Thermo Fisher ICAP TQ triple Quad ICPS with laser ablation
- HP 7500 ICPMS with LC
- Elementar CNHS measuring total carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur
- Metrohn Ion Chromatograph, anions, cations and ancat dual systems
- Wyatt Mobious DLS and Zeta Potential system
- Beckman Coulter Counter Particle Size Analyzer
- Bruker NanoIR2 high spatial resolution IR imaging and thermal analysis
- Photothermal mIRage sub-micron IR spectroscopy
- 2 Thermo Fisher FTIR/ATR systems
- Kaiser Raman Spectrometer (785nm)
- TA Instruments Q600 combination TGA/DSC
- TA Instruments Discovery Series DSC
- TA Instruments Discovery Series TGA
- TA Instrument Q800 DMA with humidity chamber
- TA Instruments AR 200 Rheometer
- TA Instruments DTC 300 thermal conductivity system
- VCA Optima contact angle measurement system
- Sigma 77 surface tension measurement system
- Rigaku Nano 3DX high resolution X-ray CT scanner
- Rigaku CT Lab GX high speed X-Ray CT Scanner
- Micromeritics BET surface area and pore size measurement system
PI institutions
Davis Group
- UV-Vis
- DLS/Zeta potential spectrometer
- HPLC equipped with diode array and evaporative light scattering detectors (2)
- GC-FID (2)
- Quantachrome Autosorb-iQ adsorption unit equipped with a CryoCooler accessory
- TGA/DSC flow reactor
- Altamira high-temperature flow reactor with an on-line mass spectrometer
- Static convection ovens (6)
- Ovens capable of rotating autoclaves (3)
- Muffle furnace
- Tube furnace
- 600 MHz (1), 500 MHz (2), 400 MHz (1) and 300 MHz (2) multinuclear FT-NMR spectrometers
- 200 MHz (DSX), 300 MHz (AM) and 500 MHz (DSX) spectrometers
Chen Group
- Batch and flow reactors to carry out catalytic conversion of low carbon oxygenates over supported catalysts
- Autoclave reactors for liquid-phase reactions
- Temperature programmed desorption (TPD)
- Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
- High-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS)
Ierapetritou Group
- Workstations with high-end processor speed and a two processors server
- Linux cluster with a total of 8 Xeon 3Gh processors running MPI.
- Access to the department computer facilities and the Rutgers Engineering Computational cluster which houses 44 dual CPU AMD MP 1.6 Ghz nodes and to WINLAB computing facilities, including 18 computer servers, 4 storage servers, a 40-processor HPC cluster and 12 high-performance workstations, and over 200 networked computers and laptops.
- Access to computer software such as ASPEN, FLUENT, EDEM, LIGGGHTS, MATLAB, gPROMS and FORTRAN.
National Synchrotron Light Source – II (NSLS)
- Dedicated reactors
- Automated gas mixing system (four flow controllers)
- Gas purification system
- Residual gas analysis system (mass spectrometry and gas chromatography)
The Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN)
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) preparation facilities and clean room
- Software:
- MacTempas
- Crystal Maker
- ImageJ
- Digital Micrograph
- VirtualDub
- Major equipment:
- JEOL-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope/ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
- Hitachi-2700C Cs-corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
- FEI-Titan 80-300 Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope
- DENSsolution, wirefire in-situ heating TEM holder
- Hummingbird liquid/gas Environmental TEM holder
Additional instruments
- Ambient Pressure XPS systems (CFN and NSLS-II)
- Polarization Modulation Infrared Spectroscopy Instruments (CFN)
- Scanning Probe Microscopy Instruments (CFN)
Fan Group (Porous Materials Research)
- Material synthesis and characterization
- 8 Ovens
- 3 Furnaces
- Centrifuge
- Sample Preparation for TEM
- 100 Stainless Steel autoclaves with Teflon Liners,
- 5 temperature controllable oil baths;
- Equinox 55 (Brunker) FT-IR spectrometer with an MCT detector and Praying Mantis accessory
- Quantachrome ChemBET analyzer for ammonia temperature-programmed desorption
- Autosorb-iQ system (Quantachrome) for gas adsorption/desorption measurement
- Equipment for catalytic reactions
- 1 fabricated fixed-bed reactor
- 5 oil baths for atmosphere pressure liquid phase reactions and materials synthesis
- 1 high pressure Parr reactor for liquid phase reactions
- 2 Agilent Gas Chromatographs (FID/TCD)
- 1 Shimadzu High-performance liquid chromatography
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)
- Two X-ray diffractometers
- Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy lab: JEOL 2000FX TEM, JEOL 100CX TEM, Magellan 400 Field Emission SEM with EDX and JEOL 6320JXV SEM
- NMR laboratory including a Bruker DPX 300 exclusively for solid state NMR with three RF channels and three probes for MAS
Department of Chemical Engineering and College of Engineering
- Thermobalance with differential thermal analysis,
- Gas sorption systems (BET surface area, porosity)
- High speed vibrating ball mill
- Freeze dryers
Walker Group
- Sonicators
- Freeze-drier
- Refrigeration
- Vacuum ovens
- Temperature baths
- Rheometers (both controlled stress and controlled rate)
- UV-vis spectroscopy
- Centrifuge and ultra-centrifuge
- Light scattering (DLS and SLS)
- Confocal microscopy
- Fluorescent microscopy
- Soft lithography facility
- Several inverted microscopes with high-speed cameras
- Atomic force microscopy
- DuNouy ring
- Bubble tensiometer
- Brookhaven PCS (light scattering) with Zeta-PALS,
- UV-Visible Cary 300 spectrophotometer
- Bohlin Gemini Rheometer
Valla Group
- Pyroprobe GC/MS CDS Analytical Model 5200
- Agilent 6890N GC with a 5793 Mass spec and TCD
- Fixed bed reactor with Furnace and liquid/gas collector system
- A ThermoFisher Scientific NICOLET 6700 FTIR Spectrometer with Harrick Scientific DRIFTS cell
- Equipment for wet chemistry (stirring plates, hot plates, centrifuge system, autoclave etc)
- Agilent 6890N GC with a 5793 Mass spec and TCD
- Agilent Mass Spec DIABLO
- High pressure Fixed bed reactor with Furnace and liquid/gas collector system
- HPLC pump
- Equipment for wet chemistry (stirring plates, hot plates etc)
- UV VIS Lambda 35 By Perkin Elmer
- Parr reactor 100 mL, Model 5500
- Gas Chromatograph equipped with Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector (SCD)
- Karl Fischer titrator (TitraLab® KF1000 Series)
Center of Clean Energy Engineering (C2E2)
- Materials Processing and Testing:
- Bruker D8 Advance Diffractometer System
- FEI Quanta 250 FEG field emission scanning electron microscope
- Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer (TG-DSC/DTA Apparatus
- Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Automatic Chemisorption Analyzer
- Agilent 7890A Series Gas Chromatograph
- FLIR Systems Inc. ThermaCAM SCM1000 with Thermal Imaging System Research RT
- Jeol 5600 lv Scanning electron microscope system with system six spectral imaging system pioneer EDSdetector; air cooled water recirculator
- Thermotron SE-600-3-3 Environmental Chamber
- Agilent 7890A with Simulated Distillation (SimDist) GC
- Agilent 7890A GC equipped with Sulfur Chemiluminescence Detector (SCD) Nicolet iS10 FT-IR Spectrometer with both transmission and ATR capability
- Data Acquisition and Analysis:
- Solartron Model Chas 08, modulab 8 slot chassis, Model FRA 1MHz (frequency range 10 μHz to 1MHz, swept sine, multi-sine/FFT, harmonic analysis
- Solartron Model 1260 Impedance Analyzer
- Solartron/Analyzer Model 1260 Impedance Analyzer with Model 1287 electrochemical interface
- Solartron 1284 Potentiostat Single channel
- Princeton Applied Research Advanced Measurement Model VMP2/Z-40 4 channel multipotentiostat with impedance; Model VMPB2-25 2 x 5A power booster for VMP2; Model VMPB2-10 10A additional booster channel
- RDP Howden Ltd Model ME46-350NG High resolution video extensometer with automatic target recognition and operating software
- Varian Inc. Micro GC Dual Channel System
- National Instruments Model PXI-6508 Digital I/O and DAQ system with Lab View
- National Instruments Model SCXI-1000 chassis
- Keithley Instruments 2701 DMM/Data Acquisition System and 7710-20 channel 60V solid state multiplexer
- Keithley Instruments 2440 5A source meter
- Agilent Technologies 4338B milliohm meter, switch mainframe, 40 channel multiplexer
- Transistor Devices Dynaload Div. Computer controlled electronic load 400 watts
- Agilent 34970A data acquisition unit
- Furnaces
- Zircar Zirconia 1700C Lab Furnace Type Hotspot, box type furnace with gas ports
- CM Tube Furnaces
- Carbolite Box Furnaces
- MTF 12/38/250/201 single zone solid tube furnace
- Fisher Scientific Thermolyne 21100 Furnace
- Thermcraft SSL
Institute of Material Science (IMS)
- One inkjet color printing (ICP) machine modified from HP DeskJet 870Cxi inkjet printer
- One spray drying and granulating system capable of processing 4 liters/hour.
- One SPEX Mixer/Mill (SPEX 8000)
- Jeol JSM-6335F Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with Thermo Noran Six EDS System
- Bruker D5005 X-ray Diffractometer
- Asylum Research MFP-3d Atomic Force Microscope
- Nicolet Magna 560 FTIR Spectrometer
- Hewlett Packard 6890 Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer
- HEM-2010 high resolution analytical electron microscope
- HEM-9320FIB focused ion beam (FIB) scanning electron microscope (JEM-9320FIB).
- One scanning tunneling microscope with an atomic force microscope attachment
- Phi model 25-110 Auger electron spectrometer
- Secondary ion mass spectrometer
- Leybold XPS/SIMS/AES/ISS X-ray photoelectron spectrometer
- Nanometrics micro-infrared spectrometer, Nicolet Fourier-
- Fully-instrumented nano-indenter with a temperature capability of -50°C to 100°C.
- Surface characterization- PHI 610 SAM; PHI 660 SAM, PHI 5100 XPS, PHI Quantum 2000.
- Structural analysis – Scintag XDS 2000 Diffractometer, in situ heating Stage, In Situ XRD, Thermo ARL/Anton Parr. Rigaku XRD.
- Morphological studies- AMRAY 1810 D SEM; AMRAY 9800 EDX; Nikon Optical Metallurgical Microscope
- Optical analysis- Nicolet 750 FTIR, near, mid and far regions, diffuse reflectance, in situ cell, Spex Raman; Spex Fluorolog; ISA/JY CCD Spectrometer, Raman Imaging, Thermo ATR, Nicolet Raman. Shimadzu UV-Visible spectrometer.
- Electrochemical measurement – BASI 100B Cyclic Voltammetry Equipment; Gamry Potentiostat/Galvanostat/EIS instrumentation, battery testing facilities including 8 Channel testing Holder and Apparatus for Button cells; MSK 110 Hydraulic Crimping machine in drybox; DL 1520 Yokogawa Oscilloscopes.
- Analytical – Atomic absorption; inductively coupled plasma mass spec; Energy dispersive X-ray analyzer; GCMS, Liquid chromatograph, quadrupole mass spectrometers (MS), Dynamic Analysis in Real Time (DART) MS (in Chemistry MS Facility). QTOF and triple Quad MS Instruments
- Electron Microscopy
- FEI Talos F200X 200kV TEM/STEM
- FEI Helios Dual-Beam FEG SEM with Xe plasma FIB column
- FEI Teneo variable-pressure FEG SEM
- FEI/Aspex Explorer automated SEM with integrated EDS for particle analysis
- FEI Helios Nanolab 460F1 Dual-Beam FEG SEM/FIB
Fraunhofer Center
- Inductive Couple Plasma (ICP/MS) analysis
Liu Group
- Four Independent Reactor Systems
- Four Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatography
- One Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatography with autosampler
- One Agilent 1100 Series HPLC with Autosampler
- One Beckman Coulter Avanti J-25 Refrigerated Centrifuge
- One Quantachrome Autosorb-iQ automated gas sorption analyzer
- Three VWR 1330FM Horizontal Airflow Rotation Oven
- One VWR 1330FM Horizontal Airflow Oven
- One Thermo scientific 280A vacuum oven
- One Thermo Scientific Lindberg/Blue M Box Furnace with Programmable Controller
- One AMETEK ProLine process mass spectrometer
The Maryland Nanocenter
- FESEM with EDS
- TEM (with Analytics: EDS and EELS)
- High resolution FE-TEM with a STEM attachment,
- Gatan EELS spectrometer and EDX analyzer for phase mapping
- LaB6 routine instrument with EDX
- Two field emission SEMs – one with EDX, and a JEOL 8900 Superprobe microprobe
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Bruker D8 Advance powder X-ray diffractometer with LinxEye detector and 9-sample position changer
- Bruker C2 Discover powder X-ray diffractometer with VANTAC-500 area detector, video microscope, laser alignment system, and a hot stage apparatus with graphite dome
- Bruker Apex2 single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with Mo Kα radiation, graphite monochromator, and CryoStream system for temperatures from 80 K to 400 K
Dauenhauer Group
- Four chemical hoods
- 10 gas chromatographs
- 2 liquid chromatographs
- Six Parr reactors
- Two fabricated bench-scale gas-phase flow reactors
- Two fabricated liquid phase flow reactors,
- Frontier micropyrolyzer
- Five-point balance, four-point balance, microscope,
- TGA,
- Quantachrome adsorption system
- Bruker infrared spectroscopy
- Three ovens
- Vacuum oven
- Mass spectrometer
- Optical pyrometer
- High-speed camera
- 8 Polyarc detectors
- Two RGCs (reactive gas chromatography)
- Fabricated zero length chromatography
- Two PHASR reactors (Pulse-heated analysis of solid reactions)
- Two automated microreactors with continuous flow
Characterization Facility (CharFac)
- Aberration-corrected (probe corrected) FEI Titan™ 60-300 scanning and TEM ((S)TEM)
Murray Group
- Fiber optically coupled UV-Vis
- Vis-NIR spectrometers
- A suite of centrifuges (high performance, high capacity and ultra centrifugation) and chromatography systems
- FT-IR and FT-IR Microscopy
- 4-axis robotic direct write system (Nordan JR2000)
- High contrast 120KV JEOL 1400 transmission electron microscope with an 11 MPixel Digital acquisition system
- Rigaku SmartLab diffractometer x-ray focusing optics
- Large area (200mm) XY scanning stage
Gorte Group
- Multiple packed bed micro-flow reactors with on-line GC analysis of products
- Three homebuilt atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems.
- Multiple tube furnaces for sample reduction and oxidation
- Two dual phase micro flow reactors. A third designed specifically for bio-oil studies will be constructed as part of the project
- Shimadzu GC/Mass Spec.
- BET surface area measurement system
- Micro-calorimeter system for measuring heats of adsorption on catalysts
- Thermogravimetric/temperature programmed desorption system for catalyst characterization
- Atomic force Microscope (AFM)
- FTIR equipped with a diffuse reflectance cell
Nanotechnology Facility
- 1.7 MV pelletron ion accelerator which can be used for Rutherford Backscatter Spectroscopy (RBS)
- Multiple vacuum STM systems
- JOEL 7500F High-resolution secondary electron microscope (HRSEM)
- High-resolution SEM with FEI Strata DB235 focused ion beam
Chemistry Department NMR Facility
- 10 Bruker superconducting spectrometers ranging in field strength from 7 to 14.1 Telsa (300-600MHZ
Chemistry Mass Spectroscopy Facility
- Low resolution quick turn-around LC Mass Spec and GC mass spec options
- High resolution Micromass Autospec
- MALDI mass spec systems
Earth and Environmental Sciences Elemental Analysis
- Carlo Erba 1500 total carbon and nitrogen analyzer
- Thermo Finnegan Delta Plus stable mass spec
- Spectro Genesis ICP-OES
Multi-Angle X-ray Scattering Facility
- Multi angle x-ray scatting system (MAXS) from Molecular Metrology (Rigaku) with new cross-coupled multilayer optics and collimation
- Bruker HighStar-2D detector
Materials Characterization Lab
- Pfeiffer Thermostar mass spectrometer
- DELSA Beckman DLS system
Institute for Medical Engineering
- Combined DLS and static light scattering system
- Beckman Delsa light scattering systems
Singh Center for Nanotechnology
- 2 SEMs
- Focused Ion-Beam (FIB) with complementary capabilities for nanomaterials analysis
- JEOL 7500F cold-field emission SEM
- FEI Quanta environmental SEM
NBIC Scanning and Local Probe Facility
- AFM / NSOM with Raman Spectroscopy
- Asylum MFP 3D AFM
- Bruker Icon AFM
- Interfacial Force Microscope
Quattrone Nanofabrication facility
- Elionix 7500 50KV e-beam lithography system
- Yield Engineering Systems monolayer CVD tool
Nanocharacterization Facility (NCF)
- JEOL NEOARM 200 KV aberration corrected TEM/STEM
- Gatan K2 Summit direct electron detector
- FEI Kyros 200 KV dedicated cryoelectron microscope
- 2 SEMs and
- Focused Ion-Beam (FIB)
- JEOL 7500F cold-field emission SEM
- FEI Quanta environmental SEM
Material Property Measurement Facility
- 2 Quantum Design Physical Property Measurement Systems (PPMS)
- Quantum Designs MPMS SQUID Magnetometer
- Several spectrometers including a Roper/Acton TriVista Triple Spectrometer, Princeton Instruments, Silicon and InGaAs cooled array detectors, assorted electronics, and several home-built cryogenic inserts
- DC magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) on thin films over a wide range of magnetic fields, temperatures and optical energies
Scott Group
- 4-port N2-filled Vacuum Atmospheres glovebox
- 2-port Ar-filled Vacuum Atmospheres glovebox
- Three double-manifold Schlenk lines
- Two FTIR spectrophotometers, each with modified sample compartments to accommodate in situ reactors, kinetics software and a DRIFTS accessory with controlled atmosphere chamber
- UV-visible spectrophotometer with scanning kinetics capability, GC/FID, GC/TCD and GC/MS for analysis of volatile reaction products, including isotopomer distributions, and HPLC with refractive index and UV-vis detectors
- 4 Parr autoclaves of various sizes for high pressure reactions
- Hiden CATLAB microreactor with vapor feed and quadrupole MS detection
- Autochem Catalyst Characterization system
- Endeavor Catalyst Screening system
Han Group
- Sample preparation tools (hoods, glove box, low and high vacuum pumps, centrifuges, sonicator, oven, UV/VIS spectrometer, HPLC, gel based columns, fridges, freezers, high precision scale, sample preparation stations)
- Pulsed 1kWatt TWTA-powered Elexsys X-band (10 GHz) EPR spectrometer
- Pulsed 300 Watt TWTA-powered Bruker Q-band (35 GHz) EPR spectrometer
- CW Q-band Bruker EPR spectrometer
- CW X-band Bruker EMX EPR spectrometer equipped with additional Overhauser DNP capabilities for measuring solvation dynamics
- Home-build, quasi-optics based 200 GHz solid-state dual DNP-EPR system, operational between 3.5 Kelvin and room temperature
- Home-build, quasi-optics based 200 GHz solid-state DNP instrument dedicated for MAS, operational at 25 Kelvin (and higher) and with 10 kHz spinning
Chemistry Department Facilities
- Mass Spectrometry Facility
- Waters QTOF2 tandem MS system equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source
- Waters GCT Premier Time-of-Flight MS
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
- 3 solution-state NMR spectrometers: Varian 400, 500, and 600 MHz spectrometers
- Optical Characterization Facility
- 1 kHz repetition rate, 100 fs pulse Ti:Sapphire amplifier
- Ti:Sapphire femtosecond oscillator laser
- Optical harmonics generator
- High power Ar-ion laser with single-mode operation capability
- Several monochromators equipped with spectroscopic CCD cameras, single channel detectors and a high-end Raman microscope
- X-ray Facility
- Kappa APEX II diffractometer
- Proteum diffractometer
- Powder diffractometer is a Scintag X2
California Nanosystems Institute Facilities
- Heidelberg DWL200 Mask Writer
- NCF Mask Writing
- Suss MicroTec MA6 Aligner
- Aixtron “Black Magic” Carbon Nanotube CVD Reactor
- SEKI Diamond CVD
- AJA UHV 7 Gun DC/RF Magnetron Sputter System
- Plassys Ebeam for AI-AlIO2-AL Josephson Junctions
- Organic PhotoVoltaic Device Manufacturing System
- Sentro Tech High Temperature Box Furnace
Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) Facilities
- Bruker Avance 800 MHz SB NMR Spectrometer
- Several 5 mm solution-state probes, including a Bruker TXI HCN cryoprobe with PFG, a triple resonance 1H{13C/15N} probe with PFG, and an HCP probe with PFG
- Bruker Avance DSX300 MHz WB NMR Spectrometer
- Bruker Avance IPSO500MHz WB NMR Spectrometer
- Bruker 300 MHz SWB MRI/Diffusion Spectrometer capable of PFG NMR, NMR microscopy and Rheo-NMR
- Varian VNMRS 600 MHz SB NMR Spectrometer
- Avance DMX500 MHz SB NMR Spectrometer
- Bruker EMXplus EPR Spectrometer
- Nicolet Magna 850 FTIR Spectrometer with a FT-Raman module
- Q-Sense E4 Quartz Crystal Microbalance
- Varian Cary Eclipse Fluorimeter
- 260 GHz dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) instrument
- SQUID Magnetometer
- MS Accessory to the TGA for Evolved Gas Analysis
- X-Ray Diffractometer
- UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer
- Fluorimeter
- Two BET Porosimeters
- Pycnometer
- Three Rigaku rotating anode and three sealed tube X-ray sources supporting seven state-of-art x-ray spectrometers
- State-of-art laser scanning confocal microscope
- Three FEI transmission electron microscopes (two Tecnai 200kV microscopes and a Titan 300kV one for high resolution TEM/STEM, and EDS/EELS analysis)
- Three FEI SEMs (XL30FEG, XL40FEG and Inspect S for high resolution SEM imaging, EDS spectrum imaging and cathodluminescence measurement)
- FEI focus ion beam microscope (Duel-beam, Pt-deposition and EDS)
- Six AFMs (a Asylum MFP-3D SL, a Asylum MFP-3D Bio system, two Veeco Dimensions, and two Veeco Multimode AFMs)
- PHI dynamic SIMS and a Kratos XPS System for surface analysis